My October started on a happy note. I was finally able to submit my paper by the end of the first week. I ran into some major technical issues on the day and it almost felt like I wouldn’t make that day. But I was pretty determined to push through as I had set myself a goal to submit that Friday. I stayed back and submitted at 9:30pm so it felt like a big milestone!
With my last paper out of the way, I was able to focus on revising the remaining chapters. I still had 3 weeks of teaching left so I had to manage my time around this. I could sense the end was near so I found it much easier to focus and get through my tasks. I was able to make a lot of progress on the two chapters that required extensive revisions.
In other news, I was presented with some great opportunities this month. Unfortunately, some were things I cannot pursue right now due to my ongoing PhD commitment. It’s not easy to say no but I knew that taking on other projects/roles would delay my submission. My progress has been very slow since July so had no choice but to turn it down the ones that came with a deadline. Fortunately, I was able to postpone one and I cannot wait to share this with you soon.
Overall, October was a relatively productive month. As the past few months haven’t been so great for me, I’d probably say that this was the best I’ve had in a long while. My month ended on an even better note as I received a positive response from the journal I had submitted to and started on the revisions.
Here are my October eats :) now that the weather is warmer, I have been making a lot more smoothies this month. This month, I partnered up with Seastraws as an ambassador. I’m excited to be partnering with an Aussie brand that is focused on reducing the environmental impact and saving our oceans. In case you’re wondering how that’s possible: 10 million less plastic straws would be used daily if all of us in Australia were to swap to reusable straws! You can use the code ‘ANIKA’ to get 10% off your order :)