Supervision and Mentoring
Are you currently studying nutrition or dietetics? Want to learn about pursuing a career in research or how to work in the media? Are you thinking of starting a business but not sure where to start?
Do you wish that there was someone with first-hand experience who would let you pick their brain?
I offer supervision and mentoring sessions student dietitians/ nutritionists and new graduates. I have over 5 years of experience and have worked in research, teaching, media and now my own business. Since graduating from dietetics, I have completed my PhD and am a media spokesperson for Dietitians Australia. Some of the different hats I wear or have worn in my career thus far include research, teaching, media, social media, private practice and managing my own business.
This is suitable for anyone who is early in their career in the nutrition or health professional field. I’m so grateful for the supervision/mentoring that I’ve received from the professionals in my field and I’d love to offer you support and guidance in the early stages of your career. All sessions are conducted via Zoom.
Please note that I also provide mentoring for 12 months, as part of the Provisional APD program. Shoot me an email at if you’d like to join and are eligible for the program.
It’s such an exciting time in the nutrition and dietetics space and I look forward to helping you on your career journey. See below to book in for a session or send me an email if the time you prefer isn’t listed below.