Happy New Year! I’m a little late in posting this. December was a very busy month. I had set myself a very long to-do list which included all the bits and pieces that I hadn’t finished. I also really wanted to finish writing chapter one of my thesis to feel a sense of completeness. I had told myself I’d finish everything by the last working day (21st December) and allow myself to switch off after this.
Unfortunately, it did not go as I had planned. I did get very close to finishing some tasks but not to the extent I had hoped. This resulted in much anxiety which lasted even after my holidays had started. After a few days, I managed to convince myself that I didn’t need to fret over the things I didn’t get done. It will eventually be done next year. I was able to relax after this and had the best time. We had nothing planned for the first couple of days so it was nice to be doing nothing.
In other news, I finally went on a hike to Wedding Cake Rock after wanting to go for over 4 years. Sadly I was not able to go close as it has been fenced off for safety reasons. Nonetheless, the view was worth it and it was nice to have something ticked off my bucket list. I then travelled to Bali for an end of year holiday (blog coming up soon).
Overall, I just want to end by saying I am so grateful for all the wonderful things that happened in 2018. It has taught me to be more resilient, chase bigger dreams, keep hustling and more importantly, trust the timing of things. If I were to describe the past year in one word, I’d say GRATITUDE. Here’s to a bigger and better 2019.
Here are some of my December eats :)

Fruit custard with Nuvia