I cannot believe the first month of the year has left us already! Time is flying away like crazy. It really scares me sometimes because I am due to hand in my PhD in a couple of months. I was away in Bali for the first week of January (blog coming up soon). Coming back to work was initially overwhelming but I was also excited to be back. Happy to say, I was able to finally start my intervention from mid-January. Honestly, it was so surreal because this is something I have been planning for the longest time. In fact, the majority of my PhD has been about planning this intervention. Unfortunately, we are a little behind with recruitment so I have recently submitted another ethics modification. So, I’m really hoping that the recruitment situation will improve when the approval comes through.
In other news, I haven’t been able to do much writing this month as I was so preoccupied with other tasks. I was doing major revisions on one of my earlier papers which took me a lot more time than I anticipated. I had hoped that this would be finished by mid-January at most. As a result, I have fallen rather behind with my thesis.
Overall, January was a pretty rough month but I am super positive that things will pick up in February. I didn’t take much food photos this month which is a little sad. This is definitely something that I want to make time for in the coming months. Here are some of my January eats :)